Kundera claims that countries in middle Europe suffer from “small nation syndrome” – that is, they are always stuck in between aggressors, superpowers. They must always doubt their continuing existence. I somehow feel a deep empathy here. As if I was acclimated to this mindset without my assent. Without my knowledge. This anxiety about existing is familiar. Comfortable. It seems so illogical that one should be and yet here one is. My reaction is at once grateful and skeptical. It is not that I fear for my existence but there is more to life than existing, is there not? If Poland became part of Germany, the USSR, did its people stop living. No. Only, they stopped living as Polish. Their existence as such no longer held any significance for they had been usurped. Others required their lives. Needed them to exist otherwise. Needed to eliminate them and create them anew. What is it to live in constant fear of this? How else to be but anxious? Empathetic?
Post script. As we roll into Krakow, graffiti on a wall informs me “this is a good day to have a good day”…The water falls in sheets.