-To The Plane:
-On the plane:
The seats are arranged with two together by the window on either side and a row of four in the middle. I am on an aisle seat in the middle, which is nice and roomy. I continue reading for awhile and decide to check (czech) out the movies they on the flight. They have "on demand" and a selection of about 30 movies. I end up watching "the hangover" (which was pretty bad), the new Alice in Wonderland which was pretty good and part of Sherlock Holmes, which was ok. In between each of these movies I try to sleep for a little while but the terrified infant in the lap of the person next to me has other ideas. I have always marveled at how such small creatures as babies can make such gargantuan noises. Anyhow, I don't sleep all that much but the flight seems shorter than it was (9 hours). The food is actually really good too. Lasagna and such. Complimentary Heinekens. Some watery coffee. Not so bad.
Get to Amsterdam with about an hour layover and locate our gate really quickly. I was planning on getting some food at this point and using the internet but unfortunately the line for security is huge. After about 45 minutes we finally get through but by this time food is not possible. Get on the plane, quick hour and a half flight to Prague and all is well.
-Landed --> Stranded:
On the ground we check the reader board for arrivals and locate the terminal that are luggage arrives at. We head there and stand for about half an hour until we realize that our flight is not listed on the screen at that terminal. I am a little worried because I am supposed to meet my roommate whose flight landed five minutes after mine. After finding out that her terminal is in another section of the airport entirely and that I would have to go through customs to get there, I decide to sit tight and wait for our luggage. Again I check the main reader board. Flight 3121. Check. Terminal 24. Check. I wander back to terminal 24 and there is nothing listed. After about another hour of this we head to the "Baggage Claim" area and inquire. Seems like our luggage never made the flight from amsterdam and there are about 15 people from our flight in a similar spot. They take our info. We give them the school address and our Prague guide's (Veronica) info. My friends leave to find a taxi to their apartment and I am alone in Prague.
I get some coffee (Charbucks) and take out my info packets. Ok. Bus 119 to subway. Greenline route A to Musteka station. I use the change from my coffee to buy a bus ticket (they have little pay stations at the actual bus stop. Way faster than doing it on the bus. U.S. pay attention) and wait for the bus. It comes quickly and we are off. The subway station is the last stop so I just follow the crowd downstairs. I almost get on the subway going the wrong direction, figure it out and board the right way. There are little reader boards that announce the upcoming stops (also really helpful) so I have no issue finding my stop. I get off and head up the stairs.
Now here is another problem. My directions say when I get off the subway I will be in Wenceslas Square. There is a big square in front of me. Check. But then it says head "up" the street 100m. Everything is pretty flat so I can't really tell what "up" is. Being an old city, Prague is not exactly laid out in a logical manner. Suffice it to say that I wander around in 25 degree (celsius) heat (which is like 80 degrees) for about two hours. I am quite exhausted by this time and am quite glad my luggage got lost. I finally locate Stepanksa 36 and see a sign for a carpet store, a mini market, a liquor store. I head into this little hallway like thing and see the mini mart and liquor store. To my right are a couple rickety glass doors with the word "apartment" on them so I figure I am finally home. I joyously force the door open and head inside.
Mine is apartment ten. I am a little confused when the ground floor apartments are labeled 1a 1b and 1c. The first floor apartments are labeled 4 and 5. I get up to the second floor and there is 2a and two unlabeled ones. Third floor has apartments has an unlabeled one and another marked "1". The fourth floor has two unmarked and one marked 11. Suddenly I am worried I am not even in the right building and so I dont want to just knock on all these doors. I head downstairs to ask the mini-mart guy if I am in the right building. He says I am. Score. I go to head back in and the rickety glass doors are somehow locked. Score. So I locate veronicas's phone number and find a pay phone. She knows about the luggage (it will be delivered to my other classmates place) and she says I was at the right building too. She does not know what to do about the doors as none of us have phones yet. I tell her I will figure it out. I go back to the building and the doors are open now. I head back to the apartment labeled "1" and knock. Someone yells my name. Home.
More coming soon. Class starts in about an hour. Of course since I leave Seattle it has been rather gorgeous there. Pouring down rain in huge drops here. When they said the weather was like Seattle in Prague I thought they just meant temperature. Hm. Good thing I packed an umbrella for some reason. Talk to you soon.
Much Love,
Brandon Paul Weaver
Damn. I love and miss you frere. I remember climbing onto the bus and walking down the stairs to the same subway system more than two years ago now. I'll have to refrain from growing nostalgic and over sentimentalizing the place. Enjoy it and email me when you can. Damn.
ReplyDeleteLe meme pour moi, mon frere. Je voudrais etre avec toi. Mais. Cette place c'est tres bein aussi. You can grow nostalgic all you like. Being here is a really good writing exercise. That is to say, the more you write me the more I will write back. Ill email you (via face-space) shortly.